Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Well glad that's over. Having been told it didn't need contrast it did! However they managed to get in first time. Hurrah!
It certainly was an interesting experience. You lay on the table and place your front in the holes. arms by your side and your head buried in a pillow. You are then given headphones with music as the machine is very noisy. My nose was trapped so I couldn't breathe very well and I am not very good at lying still. I used the time to pray for church and friends but I was very relieved when it was finished. I promptly then threw up - lovely.

I was aware of the room being full of all of your prayers - thank you


  1. Such fun, Anne, at least it's not boring this week for you!!! :-)

  2. you are so right Fiona there is nothing boring about my life right now! sorry to miss chatting this morning. xxx
