My tidying is at last going better. I have managed to sort out all my craft projects and tidy my desk. It looks much better. The rest of the house is a mess but at least one area is tidy!
Yesterday didn't quite go as planned. The rheumatologist was pleased with my joints etc.... but was quite concerned that I had a large clot in my arm just above my fistula which was sore. I said that the surgeon had told me it might clot but he wanted me to go to Royal Berks to see the renal Drs to be checked. Unfortunately this was 3pm on a Friday afternoon. I phoned the hospital and eventually after quite a while managed to speak to a renal reg. who asked me to come in. We then went to Victoria ward which is the renal ward and had to wait for ages for some one to be able to look at my arm. Eventually the consultant came to see me (while waiting the nurses looked after us really well). She had a look and said that the vein had clotted which is ok but that it had become inflamed which was why it had become sore again. The ideal drug of choice is toxic to the kidneys so I can't take that so we just have to wait it out. My arm will get better it will just take a while. I am also having a reaction to the increase in statins and I am getting muscle pain so now I have to wait to have blood tests before I can stop them. Will it ever end!!!!! So more Drs and more blood tests this week. Ho hum! I am weary of being ill.
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