This is a family photo from yesterday(minus Paul and I). It is the best of quite a few photos none of them quite right - someone is pulling a funny face or not looking on everyone! But at least we have photos. We had a really lovely day all together. We don't very often manage that. For the first time we couldn't fit everyone around the tables and had to eat on laps. The food was lovely although it did feel like all we did all day was eat and make cups of tea! By the evening my legs and feet had swollen quite a lot. We had a bit of a kidney damage thought but then decided that hopefully it was because I had been on my feet all day. This morning it is much better so maybe it is just a warning that I still need to put my legs up at some point during the day. It was a reminder that trust is still a daily thing - the future is all in His hands. So today a slower, quieter day. It was lovely to be at the centre of my family - doing what I love.
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