On Saturday we went to The Crowthorne Flower Festival - it was really lovely. My photos don't really show what is was like as I have taken photos of all the arrangements that would be suitable for church arrangements rather than the more unusual displays! The smell in the church was wonderful - from so many flowers. They also had some quilts and some embroiderers. Chloe had a go at lace making - it quickly came back to her .(My Mum had taught her how to make lace years ago) So when we got home all the lace making stuff came out of the loft and Chloe set to, to make some lace. Mum had collected lots of bobbins from visits to many places so it is wonderful to see them being used.
We have been following the Tour de France which is fascinating. I do so love learning about new things. Yesterday it was great to see the spirit of fair play being upheld by the riders after tacs were found on the road causing many riders to have punctures.
Sunday saw us all at church and then home for a chicken pie made by a joint effort in the kitchen. Chloe, Ed, Ben and I all made lunch together which was fun.
This morning Chloe has headed off to Aldershot for her first day with her GP. She will be there for 2 weeks. She is trying commuting from home. Tonight we are going to a concert where Ben is singing - I am really looking forward to it.

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