Monday, 30 January 2012

It is so wonderful to make memories. I am putting them all into a special box in my head for possible days when I can't do things. Last night I went to South Hill Park to see Blake with my girlies. It was wonderful and we all really enjoyed it. They are great singers but also interact with their audience. They were accompanied by a girl group called The Cadbury Sisters. They had wonderful voices. We managed to chat with them afterwards. Blake all signed my friend C's wheelchair which was great fun. And I managed a late night- after 10.00!

In the morning we had church at Bearwood where our 4 churches all met together. It was great and lovely to see lots of people we haven't seen for ages. I did the prayers which was a great privilege.

Today coffee with a friend and recovering from yesterday!


  1. Glad you've been doing so many great things Anne. I'm just about to order the book 1000 gifts which I've seen recommmended so many times. It's a book about favourite blessings each day.

  2. It is a wonderful book. I love it. We read it in our church book club. Ann Voskamp who wrote it is inspirational. Mum of 6 children who home schools them and stays sane enough to write a book which has made and stayed in the New York best-seller list. Wow! You do need to like flowery language though.

  3. Its a brilliant book even if you don't do flowery language.
