Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Well the tree is down and the boxes are filled just need labelling and then away for another year. Papageno is very confused with all the activity today. He eventually tried to hide in the mug cupboard! He was very frightened when Ben turned into a Christmas tree! (Ben was carrying tree into the garden and Papageno ran away from him in fright and then wouldn't allow Ben anywhere near him for ages) The lounge is looking quite empty without the Christmas stuff although tidier and cleaner. It is good not to have to hurry to get the stuff away as in previous years when I had to get back to work. This year I am trying to label boxes so we know what is in them, and sort them out a bit. Sorting is good!

I had a lovely time with my friend who came for coffee yesterday. We chatted for ages and the time flew by. Good friends who share your journey are very precious.

Chloe is back this evening after a few days helping Ed's mum make curtains(she has damaged her knee skiing and has a big sewing project to complete). Tomorrow she returns for the day to Southampton and then back for her last weekend with us before term begins. Ben returns to school tomorrow so the normal routines of life begin.

Papageno and I will miss the company.

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