Bournemouth was lovely yesterday. It was so warm - although the sea was freezing! We did paddle but that was it - only the hardiest souls would have gone swimming. We started our visit at Alum Chine - where I spent many lovely holidays with my family as a child. It does look rather different now. We had lunch in a lovely restaurant overlooking the sea. It was a great day to go as it wasn't too busy. The beach is a perfect place for people watching. We then walked the 1 mile back to Bournemouth Pier. A year ago I thought I might never be able to walk a mile again. We had coffee overlooking the much busier area of the sand by the pier. Then a walk in the park before getting the train home. A perfect holiday day.
Today we are getting ready for the family party tomorrow and for all the chicks and their partners coming home. We shall be a full to overflowing house this weekend! 16 for lunch tomorrow. Also the ladies are coming to a bring and share lunch here today. My new teapot will have its first proper outing! Paul is off to London after helping me get the house ready. It is also Debz H's last day with us. It has been such a joy to have her with us sharing her life. I will miss her.
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