Today I will dance - whatever the weather. Sometimes I get stopped in my tracks as I realise that I have allowed life to become mundane, I have forgotten to keep looking for the joy in each day and I have stopped dancing. The last 2 months have been a bit like that and I need to remember how fragile and precious EACH day is, right down to the last second given to us it is wonderful.
We were challenged again yesterday to think about what church is. Mostly I think I have got it - it is NOT the building or the institution or (and I realised I do think this sometimes) the event it is the people. Each one vitally playing their part in the body and we should all rejoice when one rejoices and hurt when one is hurting. We were reminded that we need to move from the rota society - serving only when it is my turn on the rota to a group of people who genuinely care for each other. What a difference that would make.
Today - tidying my very messy house and a visit to the auction rooms before the sale on Wednesday. I have never been to an auction so I am looking forward to this. A new experience!
Maybe this week will not include a single GP, hospital, consultant, blood test appointment you never know! Hopefully it will include, coffee with friends, an auction, a lent study group, a lunchtime concert, bible study, book club, some tutoring, some cooking, a bit of cleaning, a bit of washing and ironing and maybe some seed sowing, some sewing, some knitting, some card making, some reading, some sunshine, some rain and lots of joy and dancing. Sounds good to me!
How apt the picture and statement 'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...'. Feel I've been waiting for ages for that and as it hasn't passed got more and more frustrated. Will try to dance more instead! Thank you. Much love x