Saturday 23 August 2014

The adventure continues........

So my week of hospitals is over and I probably have more questions now than before we started! Unfortunately the bone scan came back as abnormal but not normally abnormal for bone secondaries! So I now have to have a whole lot of further tests to see if we can work out what is happening. As ever nothing is straight forward with me as the complex nature of the diseases I have and the overlap between them makes it possible that they may need  to say at the end of the tests they don't know what is happening and then make a treatment plan on their best guesses! The tests will take about 4 weeks in total so we have some waiting to do. At any time one of the tests may make it clear and then we will decide what to do based on that. 
In rheumatology I saw my own consultant which was really great and I am not going to restart the azathioprine ( the drug which made me so sick) but will double the hydroxychloroquine instead. He was pleased to see that although I have some pain it is not too bad and that my skin is stable and so was happy to leave starting any new drugs until I need to. He did say he had a drug in mind if I needed to have a different one. I also saw the physio who specialises in rheumatoid patients which was really helpful and she told me of some exercises I can do to help my fingers. I was happy to have a plan. 
So some patient waiting to come and more time to learn to be content in all circumstances. My hand is held tightly and I trust the creator. Do pray for us and especially for my family as we wait. 

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