Sunday 31 August 2014

A new adventure

I am so sorry I have been absent again but unfortunately I am in hospital. I was admitted on Wednesday as an emergency after some problems with my leg becoming 'odd'. I got out of bed in the morning and struggled to use the upper part of my leg which made me very wibbly wobbly. To cut a long story very short I was admitted and had an MRI scan that afternoon. Sadly the results showed that I do have breast cancer secondaries in my bones of the whole of my back. So I am in hospital while they make a plan ( still loving my plans) and they are closely monitoring my kidneys as they begin different treatments and get my pain relief sorted ( who would know that taking painkillers could be so complicated). I am on a lovely oncology ward in a very posh single room being looked after very nicely. My family, friends and church family have been amazing as ever and I am surrounded by love. I start radiotherapy to my back on Monday to help control the pain and will start a combination of bone strengthening drugs and different hormone drugs to help slow down the disease. I have had a ct scan and there doesn't look to be cancer in my lungs or liver but I will have an ultrasound next week just to check. If there isn't then they will hold off from giving me chemo until I need it. If they find anything else then I will start chemo straightway.

It has obviously been a shock and took me a sleepless night to get my head around it all but I am now very peaceful knowing that this is part of the plan and I am held in the fathers tender loving hands. It is amazing to feel so secure despite being given such bad news. This is just the next part of the adventure. Obviously I wouldn't have chosen this plan but my faithful father has and he knows what he is doing ( thankfully someone does). He sees the very big picture in the light of eternity whilst I just see my little bit of it here.

The family are all surrounding me ( Chloe was able to come straight here on Wednesday after telling her consultant and has been here ever since, she goes back today knowing I am in safe hands. Ben and Anna were amazing on Wednesday coping with everything as Paul was in Germany. Josh and Debs have kept me company and been here daily.  I have had lots of visits from friends bringing their lives into my little room, telling me of holidays, tractors, building work and their children's busy lives. I am glad to have Paul back from Germany now and holding our family altogether. We transported my nest from my bedroom to here - Chloe's beautiful quilt, plenty of cushions, books, kindle, iPad etc.... Yesterday she and I sat 'doing making' chatting about this and that - we could have been anywhere!

Do pray for us - especially for my family who now have to cope with so much. Pray for a clear liver and for the Drs as they make the best plans. And pray that we will all know we are held by the creator of the world in the palm of his hand.

I am having visitors but do text or phone us first as although they have open visiting we try to be quiet( the nurses keep telling me I am having parties). And when you visit it is fine not to have any words - words are not needed as ever a hug will do, we have tears and laughter all mixed together and all of that is fine. All is well and all will be well.

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