Saturday 8 November 2014

My week....

Another week has passed. It has been a busy hospitally week. Monday blood tests for cross matching my blood which was very low. Thankfully we didn't have to wait too long and they managed to get enough blood with just 2 sticks. It is getting harder and harder for them to find veins that will give up their blood without collapsing. Tuesday a quiet day recovering with coffee with A where we put the world to rights. Wednesday we were at the hospital at 9 am after an hour long journey to RBH. I had 3 units of blood which took a total of 7 hours Ina busy chemo ward. It was quite a shock to my system after spending so much time in my quiet house. My lovely friend G came and kept me company during the afternoon which was great as it distratcted me from all that was going on. I came into hospital a very pale insipid colour and left with a pink glow! I am so grateful to those 3 people who gave their blood for me - who bothered to put their lives on hold for somebody they would never meet. I was exhausted by the time I got home and very grateful for my peaceful quiet bedrrom and my cosy bed. 
Thursday - I woke still feeling exhausted from the previous days outing but could walk up and down the stairs without needing a lie down and without puffing! I had coffee with R and caught up on her recent news and some lovely visits she has done recently. She paints pictures with words very well and I could imagine clearly the places she has been. I can't tell you how much I appreciate visits where people share their lives with me and I then can think about those things afterwards. Sometimes looking up places or interesting facts etc.... 
On Friday I had my weekly visit to the GP so that she could catch up with all that had happened over the last week. As ever she was supportive and kind making sure that everyone knew all that had been going on in case I ever needed to be in touch with anyone when she wasn't there. She updated my drugs and we discussed the flu jab which she still feels I need to be weller before I can have it. So I continue to avoid all crowds and continue with my no kissing, no cuddling rule. 
This weekend Chloe and Ed are coming home. I am looking forward to doing some Christmas making with Chloe - we have special permission to play Christmas music in November and do Christmas making before December! We are both going to make December daily books where you make a page for each day in December focussing on different aspects of Christmas that you love. They will be a special reminder of this year where for a long time I couldn't even have Christmas mentioned because it made me too sad. 
As I look out of my window their are signs all around of Autumn taking hold of the gardens. The leaves are changing colour fast now and the sky is quite grey today. I love the changing seasons that we have here in England and am glad that we can rejoice ina beautiful world given to us to care for. A friend is in India at the moment and I am wondering what it is like there at this time of the year. How strange it would be to spend Christmas in the sunshine. 
I hope you all have lovely Weekend  plans. 

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