Saturday 15 November 2014

Updated Friday with a trip to hospital

Well another adventure - mmmmm. I came back from Dr Brown and felt very poorly in the afternoon and I assumed it was tiredness but after a long sleep and plenty of tablets I realised that I needed to take my temperature. It was 38.6 and we repeated it over the evening and it remained high. After a debate with Chloe we decided there was no choice but to go to A&E. Again a very efficient system got  me into my own cubicle and blood taken within half-an-hour. We then had the very long wait with me feeling rotten lying on the very uncomfortable A&E beds. We saw a lovely young A&E dr who was very thorough. She decided that I probably had a similar bug to last time of an unknown nature. I was admitted to AMU again unfortunately I did try pleading to be let home but she felt that she wanted to know that I wasn't going to get worse overnight. So if you pray please pray that I stop getting these random bugs as they are such a nuisance. I have no choice but to go to hospital as I can then have Iv antibiotics which get straight into my system and I can't sick them up I had Iv antibiotics over night along with anti sickness as the antibiotics make me sick, a chest x-Ray, and an ECG qnd was eventually a seen by the medic on call at 4 am. He was a cardiologist. He agreed with the A&E dr and wanted me to be seen by the on call oncology team on Friday morning in case they had anything to add. So on Friday  I was seen by the medical consultant who had sent me home with low calcuim( he was very apologetic)  and the consultant oncologist I hadn't met before. He agreed with everyone else and said there was no reason to keep me in for even more antibiotics which they would have no idea if they were doing anything. I am always so complicated.
I came home after a night of very, very little sleep with Drs visits, new patients arriving and departing all the time through the night. I slept from 3 until 6 and then was  awake until 10 and slept again until 5 am. I don't think I have ever been so tired. Not even with tiny babies.
So I am here at home still exhausted today ready for my afternoon sleep again now. Today's trauma was that my phone  went back with Chloe in her handbag to Kingston so I had no phone until just now. Thankfully Ed is cycling today at The Look Out so was coming this way. I do feel very vulnerable without my phone - especially when Paul had to go and get some of my tablets which didn't appear to be in my box of tablets from the hospital. Thankfully the chemist keeps a record of all my drugs and was able to print off a repeat prescription.
So now we have to just wait for this bug to go.

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