Saturday 13 September 2014

A busy day

Today has been a busy day - well busy for me! 
I started the day by doing flowers at the church. It was really lovely to be doing normal stuff. I am trying to do things which are normal when I can in what is a very unnormal life! It was lovely to chat with the other flower arrangers about what is going on in their lives and to plan the flowers for the next few weeks. 
Then home for coffee and cake and finishing up my bible study prep. for the afternoon. We are studying the Sermon on the mount together - words which are very familiar but hold hidden gems of truth that you have to look for. 
Then off to bible study at my friends house because her dog had had a little op. He is a beautiful,  fluffy dog and was wearing a bright blue plastic collar to stop him licking his operation site. He looked so so funny - bless him! I am sure he is very surprised to have this thing attached to his head! We had a good bible study and a catch up from the summer. So many things going on in everyone's lives. 
Then home for a sleep - I was exhausted after that! It doesn't take much to wear me out at the moment. I think I am probably feeling the worst effects of the radiotherapy now. Thankfully though sleep always helps. My back is also hurting quite a bit so hopefully that will also begin to reduce now too. 
Paul decided not to prom last night as I had been quite lonely the evening before so we spent the evening watching tv together. He made us a very yummy tea - steak with crunchy potatoes and runner beans from a friends allotment. Followed by banana and custard. It is so lovely to be enjoying food after so long. 
During the day I had a really lovely phone call from my GP. She had just heard my news and was ringing to see how I was and how my family are coping. So many people knock the NHS and complain about their GPs but I couldn't be luckier. She spoke to me for about 20 minutes making sure that I had everything that I needed and making sure I knew how to contact her or another GP at anytime. What wonderful support I have had from all the medical professionals who have been involved with my care. 
So tomorrow we are hoping to go to Savil for Autumn colour. Then church on Sunday. 

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