Monday 8 September 2014

Nighttime posting again.....

So it appears that nighttime is the new time for me to post! It is 4.20 and I am awake. I sleep well for most of the night - returning to sleep when I wake easily until these early hours and then I am wide awake - due to the steroids! Thankfully my iPad  enables me to glimpse into the world even at night.  
I had a busy weekend of family - lovely to see them all and to watch them all supporting each other and me. On Saturday Chloe, Ed and I went to trilakes for some animal feeding which was lovely. We then met up with Ben for lunch in Côte in Wokingham - where for the first time in 6 months or so I a manged a whole meal out - a starter and a main course - wow! It was delicious. Once home - Joy, Matt, Talia, Adam and Kit arrived - followed by Josh and Debs   - a very full house! It was lovely to catch up with everyone and to listen to them all chatting away while I sat there slightly dazed with my painkillers! The cousins all left for a meal at Josh and Debs and then clubbing while Joy and Kitty kept me company. We covered the whole range of emotions in one evening - saying everything that needed to be said! We laughed and cried - I am so proud of how they are dealing with all this with me - head on. They too are well supported by their partners and friends who have all surrounded them. 
Yesterday my brother came with one of my nieces - it was so lovely to chat with them. They have lots of changes going on in their lives. 
After watching the start of the Tour of Britain Chloe and Ed headed back to Kingston and Ben, Paul and I were left to our peace and quiet. It is strange to be home now when everything is the same and yet so very different. I am planning the week ahead - lots of coffee with friends and plenty of rest times. Some time with my boy who just has 2 weeks left before uni. We are starting lists of things I would like to do with or without my wheel chair and just going to do them rather than waiting for a better time! My head is still rather full of 'stuff' and I am looking forward to a time when I have thought every thought I can think and I reach a more peaceful place. Thankfully I know that is how I work - covering all eventualities and possibilities and then coming to a place of rest. I am looking forward to that place. 
I hope you all have reasonably peaceful weeks - full of much that brings you joy.  I look forward to hearing from you - I love getting emails or messages telling me about your lives. 

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