Monday 15 September 2014

Panic - oh dear!

It's 1.30 am and I am having quite a struggle. On Saturday I had quite a lot of pain so took extra morphine to help. At about 12.30 pm I started to have panic attacks - completely illogical fear which lasted all night. It is so scary to be in a place where logic can't reach. There are no words that seem to reach into the dark places that the panic takes me. I am hoping that writing about them tonight might help. I am sure that some of you face panic attacks in your every day life. As a Christian it is really hard to battle them because they come so suddenly and no amount of calm words seems to make any difference. Tomorrow I will contact the GP to get some help - how wonderful to know that there will be help. ( why do these things always happen on a weekend) In the meantime I am just trying to get through the night without waking Paul again - one sleepless night for him is enough. I need to make some lists I think - I am sure lists will help!!! I keep assuring myself that this will pass. Spring always follows winter. 


  1. Thinking of you Anne in such hard times. You are so strong. Take Care and stay so positive.
    Rosey (Aberdeen) XXXX
