Wednesday 22 October 2014

A corner turned ?

Thankfully I seem to have turned the 'corner' which I have been waiting to do for most of the week! These last few days have been such a struggle and have seemed endless at times. I think the combination of the bug, side effects of the treatment and the extreme tiredness from sleepless nights have made the struggle particularly hard. Maybe the hardest part is how it has effected me emotionally. I have felt very sad - feeling that this was possibly how it was going to be from now onwards. I was unable to pray and felt that God was very far from me. After a better nights sleep it is amazing how quickly the darkness lifts and I can see glimpses of the sunshine again. I am very thankful for family and friends standing closely alongside me throughout this journey and reminding me of the promises which never change despite my fickle emotional state! 
Chloe returned to Kingston on Monday for a week of nights which has been curtailed due to her contracting a stomach bug. Surprisingly the hospital don't like their Drs to work with bugs! 
Kit has come to keep me company today - working from here and supporting Paul if I need help in the nighttime, which lifts the burden from him.
Josh and Debs have collected the keys to their very own first house and have spent the week painting!  They have done a great job helped by lots of friends and hope to move in on Friday. I am looking forward to seeing it for the first time once they are settled and I can travel. 
My baby boy appears to have settled into uni very well and always sounds great when we chat. He has reading week next week so I am hopeful that we may get to see him if only for a short while. I miss his singing and music around the house. 
Next week is full of blood tests and hospital appointments to prepare for the second dose of denosumab. The oncologists are sure that the infection was a coincidence after the denosumab so we shall see! 

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