Sunday 5 October 2014

Not quite the weekend we had planned

It's been a bit of an up and down weekend. On Thursday I spent a lovely couple of hours out visiting Hobbycraft with L, A and S. I came back with plenty of new projects which I have started straightaway. On Friday I had another very helpful visit to the GP who sorted out my tablets and answered my questions. I am so grateful that she takes the time with me. We then had an excellent bible study looking at a hard passage but beautifully led by J. We covered so many areas. On Saturday Paul was off to London again and Kitty came to Annie sit! When Chloe heard that Kit was coming she decided that she and Ed would also come and stay the night before going to Henley . We watched Strictly which we all loved so much. Some excellent dancers already. Unfortunately I was already struggling with sickness yesterday - there are many reasons, lots of my tablets cause sickness and their combinations make it worse. Kit left to go home and Ed read me a story as I went to sleep. Who would have guessed that would be part of a son-in-law's duties! I went to sleep quickly which was wonderful but unfortunately woke at 12 and was very, very sick. Chloe kindly came and sat with me for a couple of hours. I woke quite a few times in the night after that and then was sick again at 6. I was so disappointed as I had really hoped to go to the church away day today and had been looking forward to it but we couldn't go with me feeling like that. Chloe and Ed were going on a bike ride with Ed's dad but Chloe stayed with me until 4 and Ed went and met his dad. It was so lovely to have her company and made the day much more bearable. We did some making - Chloe made a cross stitch picture for the front of the book she has made for me for the night times. She has called it - 'Morning  always comes ' and has included photos and places to write notes etc.. I love it. So today hasn't gone as I had planned but it has still been a nice day. I am grateful for small mercies. 

This week - i am having coffee with friends, my aunt and uncle are coming to visit, I am hoping to have a blood test at RBH, and on Friday I have a GP appointment and my first denosumab injection. We are praying that that has no side effects. I would love a more settled week if possible with many good days. 

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