Friday 17 October 2014

Hospital again.....

My apologies for my absence this week but I have been back in hospital. The sickness after the denosumab just seemed to get much worse and by Wednesday  my temperature was very high. So to cut a long story short I was admitted to the acute medical unit at RBH on Wednesday evening. I had a very large number of blood tests and began a high dose of broad spectrum antibiotics aimed at killing all known bugs - dead! After 3 days in hospital we are still no nearer knowing what the bug might be but hopefully we are killing it! I have been allowed home under the watchful eye of my baby Dr with the instructions to go straight back if I get worse, or get confused or my temperature goes very high again. If I still haven't turned a corner on Monday I will return to an ambulatory clinic where they will do more tests. I am delighted to be home - AMU is one of the busiest wards in the hospital and is constantly busy, day and night. I was also kept closely monitored which  seemed to involve waking me 10 minutes after I had just gone to sleep! So I have come home for a rest with yet more tablets to add to the ever growing list. I have also been referred to the community nurse who will be able to help with the sickness and lack of appetite. So although it was a difficult time I am very glad to (hopefully) be out of the woods for now.
We are hoping for a quiet family weekend and no visits to hospitals !

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