Tuesday 28 October 2014

Oh what a beautiful morning - oh what a beautiful day!

I am sitting writing this from my bedroom - looking out of the window on the day unfolding - grateful for God's many, many blessings.
After a packed day of sorting yesterday I came home about 4 pm.The hospital were very organised and managed to arrange for me to see both the dietician and the pharmacist before leaving. so that when Paul came to collect me I was ready and waiting. I think this is a first for us to be discharged so efficiently. It helps to know how to play the system now!
It was great to see the SHO- A who had been so very helpful when I had been on Adelaide a few weeks ago. He gave me a huge hug and went over everything that had been happening over the weekend and reassured me that all was in hand for me to go home if at all possible that day. It was lovely to hear he had passed his recent exams and will now be a wonderful registrar. Whoever gains him will be lucky to have him on their team and the patients will be privileged to have him care for them. What a difference good Drs can make.
While in hospital there were some of those amazing 'co-incidences' that you can't help but wonder whether they have been carefully organised by a God who is interested in the little details of our lives. I was met on AMU by the nurse who we had been introduced to last time and who goes to Josh and Debs church. It was so lovely to hear her say she would be praying for me through the night as she worked. She spent quite a long time chatting with me while I waited for tests etc... and I discovered that we have many friends in common. She and her family have had to cope with many, many sad times and it was so lovely to hear her testimony to God's faithfulness despite such hard times. Another reminder to keep on holding tight. 
On Saturday the Consultant medic on call 'just' happened to be my renal consultant from dialysis, Dr V. Again so reassuring to have someone sit beside you who knew what would be most concerning me  and reassure me that my kidneys would recover from this. As she spoke with me she held my hand - a little kindness but makes all the difference in the world. She altered lots of my drugs to protect my kidneys and made sure that I had plenty of fluid to wash them out.
Later on Saturday we met the oncology reg - again this weekend who 'happened' to be my consultants reg who sat and patiently went through all the questions that Chloe and I had accumulated over the past week!. 
The out come of all this is the following: 
  • no-one thinks the denosumab (monoclonal antibody) has caused any damage to my kidneys
  • my kidneys became worse due to the amount of genereal 'unwellness' from the bug, the excessive sickness caused by low hb, and very low calcium levels in my blood which were left untreated for too long
  • the bug was just a complete co-incidence and whatever it was has now gone! 
  • the sickness became excessive due to antibiotics, drugs i am already taking, low calcium, renal sickness and a possible reaction to the denosumab.
  • this all means that I should now recover with extra calcium tablets ( 9 extra chalky delights a day), I should stop being quite so sick and hopefully begin to eat a bit better (at last) and my kidneys should begin to pick up again. The dietician has given me supplements to help and my aim now is to try and stop loosing weight! 2 stone over the last 6 - 8 weeks is rather a lot! 
  • I  will have more blood tests at the hospital tomorrow and see the consultant on Friday. 
  • all being well the  plan will then be to have another 2 weeks to recover and then repeat the denosumab with many, many blood tests to monitor progress of kidneys, calcium, blood etc.... 
  • ct scan and ultrasound scan then a couple of weeks after that to see what is going on - if anything!
  • this feels like a good plan to me and we shall just wait and see what unfolds. As ever i am trusting both in the Drs wisdom and knowledge but also the creator God who knew it all before it happened and knows it all now.

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