Tuesday 7 October 2014

Blood test.

After my poorly weekend it was great to have a better day yesterday. We had an earlish start ( well for me) hoping to miss the rush for parking at Royal Berks but we didn't. Thankfully we managed eventually to find a space. The queue for blood tests wasn't too bad and we waited about 40 minutes. It was great to have someone to chat to while I waited and the time passed quickly. Thank you C for your kindness. Taking the wheelchair was also a very good idea and saved me having to walk too far and getting exhausted before I started. While I was at the hospital my lovely sister Joy had come and started cleaning my house which was great. It was lovely to arrive back to the smell of a clean bathroom. 
I am glad to say that I have just checked my blood tests and everything is looking stable, my kidneys are stable which is the best news and means there should be no reason for me to not have the denosumab on Friday. I am glad I have done that as it is reassuring to see it written down in figures rather than me going on my vague feelings. 
So today coffee with friends and hopefully a little walk to the park in the beautiful sunshine. I haven't been for a walk for a few days as my energy levels have been so low. Although it looks lovely my guess is that it is starting to get chillier so gloves and scarves may be needed. 
My panic has just about gone altogether and although I am still anxious some of the time it is much easier to control. So I think it was definitely the steroids which is very reassuring as I don't have to do that again or if I do in an emergency I know that it takes about 3 weeks for the panic to go. 

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