Sunday 26 October 2014

Hospital again.....

So my corner got just trickier! I saw the GP on Friday who repeated my blood tests and then we waited - hopeful that something would happen which it eventually did. I was admitted to hospital via A&E onto AMU again. My blood tests showed that my calcium was very low, that my haemoglobin was low and that there was still signs of possible infection and most concerning my kidney function was decreasing. All these things would have combined to make me feel very, very unwell. I was reluctant to come back in again but knew that if I want to turn this elusive corner I would need another spell in hospital. 
As ever they were very efficient in A&E and within minutes of arrival I had a side room and  bloods had been taken. Joy and Matt had brought us in and  Joy stayed  with me while Matt and Paul went off to find more pleasant surroundings to spend a couple of hours. I saw the medic on call and he went through everything again. It was decided to admit me onto AMU ( the acute medical ward) and to give me calcium and fluids and to monitor my kidneys closely. We arrived on the ward to be met by a a very, very chatty gentleman who proceed to regal us with all sorts of information - I was beginning to despair but thankfully he was then moved to another ward. AMU is busy and noisy but has lots of staff and is the place to be when things need to be happening. So my drip was up quickly and efficiently and throughout the night I had fluids, calcium, a chest x- Ray, an ECG..... Etc... Not much sleep but plenty of treatment. During the day I saw both the renal team ( including my consultant from dialysis) and the oncology team. All have slightly different views about what is going on but the over reaching view is that they won't let me home now until I am feeling better and we are on top of all the blood tests. Hopefully this maybe the beginning of next week. 

On Saturday evening we heard that they had found me a bed in the oncology ward which is where I am now. It is a little 4 bed ward with 3 lovely quiet ladies and a view of the multistory car park! I am happy to get better here. 
Again I slip my hand into the hand of the creator God aware he knows and knew everything. He is here even in the darkest if nights and the furthest places where I think my heart has reached! Fear lurks behind hidden coreners and I am aware that I need to look out for it but so far I seem to be avoiding it.  
Thank you as ever for your lovely emails, texts and messages they have helped to keep me going. 

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