Friday 10 October 2014

Steadfast love .....

Today I am grateful for the steadfast love of The Lord which never ceases and for his mercies which are new every morning. Each new day begins with a clean white sheet of appear which I can decorate and write on as I like. If I chose to my page can be full of self pity and  doubts, it can be full of sadness and regret or it can be full of joy searched for in all the far flung corners of the page. Today I am choosing to fill my page with joy and thankfulness. I am thankful for my lovely sister driving miles just to take me to the hospital for my injection, for the skype conversation I had with my baby boy yesterday, for my lovely GP who gives me time, for my cosy bed, for waking to a sunny morning with an autumnal chill, for my husband making that first cup of coffee in the morning, for 5 days where there have been more good than bad, and for next week when my girlie is coming to stay for a few days. I wonder how you will fill your page today - it is your choice! 

The last few days have gone ok. They have certainly been better than the weekend. My sleeping has been a bit more consistent and I have managed to go back to sleep quite quickly most times. I have spent time with some lovely friends hearing all about their lives - so many different areas discussed and put right over cups of tea and coffee. 
This weekend is a quieter one - strictly with my husband and our new score sheets, hoping to plant the bulbs and maybe church on Sunday if I have enough energy. 

Today my heart is with a special friend who gets married . I wish her and her new husband a very happy and blessed life together. 

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