Friday 31 October 2014


Today I saw the consultant dr B. It was reassuring to see him and feel that we are going in the right direction. My kidneys are very happy - probably due to the fact that I am not taking some of my tablets. He was happy for me to keep monitoring them from home and go back onto the tablets  again if my BP goes up dramatically. He was unhappy that my HB was still so low and felt that now is the time to have a blood transfusion which will  happen on Wednesday. I will have my blood matched on Monday and everything will be ready for the transfusion which should just take a day. So thankfully no nights in hospital. My calcium is struggling to get above 2 which is not good news. I had assumed I would have to take more chalky tablets but he feels that I am taking as much as my body is able to absorb so thankfully I will just continue with the 9 of those. The plan is to check my blood in 2 weeks and if by then my calcium has returned to normal then I will have more denosumab if not we will wait a little longer. He agreed that scanning now is much too early to see change so I will cancel the appointment on Monday and remake it for the end of November when I will also have a CT scan.
So all in all I am happy with this plan. I am happy to be having time to recover and not to have any nights in hospital. I am looking forward to a bit more energy after the blood and hopefully get a little more done in my days.
My lovely brother came from Stroud today to help with transport etc... It was so helpful to have him able to drop us off and pick us up and then to spend the rest of the day with him and really catch up on all his news. His daughter - my niece spent the day shopping with Joy and then popped into see me too. I am very tired now and looking forward to a good sleep and a quiet day tomorrow with my baby boy coming home.
I am feeling that I am now approaching the corner again - and maybe soon I will be turning it at last. We shall see what the week brings.

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