Sunday, 12 December 2010

Our time is no longer our own - it belongs to a tiny little ball of fluff!! He arrived and was very scared - that hasn't lasted long. He is now exploring all aspects of our lounge and we are hurriedly making it kitten proof. He has chewed through the wires for our lights and pulled off one of the keys on my keyboard all within the first 24 hours! He still retreats to his cardboard box at any loud or unexpected noise. He is using the box despite having a very nice fluffy basket! We love him. I hoping to take some photos today so look out for those tomorrow.

Today I am having a quiet day at home to prepare for the busy week ahead and to recover from the previous few days excitement. It was lovely to spend dialysis with Debz and Josh yesterday. This week I must finish writing my cards - which I started weeks ago! and finish the Christmas shopping most of which has been done on line thankfully.

Tomorrow I go to radiotherapy for planning for my treatment. I am hoping they don't say I must start before Christmas.

I may need a lift on Tuesday morning to the hospital at about 10.50 if any one can help that would be wonderful. Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you need a strictly inspired name for the cat? Two of your great loves combined! Craig the cat?! or wait and let the great british public decide, Scott, Matt or James maybe?
    Having said all that, we had a jet black cat, named him fudge (?) and he was only ever called Black Cat - or Minx when he'd been particularly naughty. Have fun. we have Bible study on Tues morning but if you are stuck for a lift someone from our group could help out, I am sure.
