I have been wondering recently about the difference
between joy and happiness. We often talk about being happy when good things are
happening but joy seems to be more abiding and can be present even in the worst
of times. Happiness seems to be connected to an external event or ‘happening’
and is often shown by physical expressions, smiles, laughing, jumping up and
down etc… But joy seems to be that deeper expression of inner feelings not
connected to external circumstances. Joy seems to be linked to thankfulness.
Interestingly it seems that joy and fear can’t go together – if we are fearful
we will struggle to be joyful. By focusing on thankfulness we can choose joy –
as we learn to look for the good things joy develops, whatever our circumstances.
When we moan and groan and focus on what is not good we loose joy. So easy to
say – so much harder to put into practise.
My writing is coming on - slowly. It is hard to go back sometimes and remember what has happened, especially thinking about all that my family went through while I was just getting on with it. I wish I had been able to think more about their needs at the time. Illness makes you so selfish and me centred.
Tomorrow I am having a purple lunch party to raise money for Kidney Research. How perfect that they want us to - go purple for kidney awareness month! (I love purple). Look out for the photos! Josh is coming to stay for the night before he goes to a stag party and I am going to a see a dance show which one of my tutees is performing in. Busy day!
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