Tuesday 27 May 2014

4 years and counting!

Yesterday it was 4 years since Paul and I sat in a room and my world changed for ever. It feels like those 4 years have vanished in a flash but also that it happened to someone else. By the time I reached the room I was quite peaceful - ready for what they were going to tell me. But I had no idea what was to follow - the year of treatment, my kidneys failing and the 16 months of dialysis, laving me with a chronic collection of diseases which shape my life now. Many times recently I have been taken back to the following year when Josh and Debs got married. I was still having dialysis and had just finished my second lot of chemo. I was a tiny person with no hair! But the joy of being part of the wedding day and watching my son make forever promises will never leave me. And now I am preparing to do it again - watch one of my children make forever promises. There are many similarities - I still struggle to do lots of things, I am still often sick but the joy of being here and being able to be part of Chloe and Ed's wonderful day is so precious. We have spent a weekend wedding planning and sorting. Wedding dress fitting, my dress fitting and hat chosen, hair practice, make up lesson, car practice ( thank you J), clothes buying for honeymoon, bunting nearly finished, list making, emails sent, glass bowls bought, so many questions discussed, more lists made!!!!! I managed a morning shopping yesterday with stops for coffee and to sit down but it is the most I have managed for 6 months, which is encouraging. I am SO thankful. 
So this week - physio appointment, blood tests, more dress fitting, flower watering, book lists sorting for holiday club, cooking for weekend and today a bed day! 
I hope all those of you on half-term have lovely plans despite the dreary weather. 

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