Thursday 1 May 2014

Change who needs it.........

Recently I have been thinking about change - and how much I don't like it! I like stable and same! But as Christians we are called to change - daily - to become more like Jesus. That is costly and painful. It is also very slow ( certainly in my case). I am so drawn by a comfortable, easy life and I don't like the discomfort of change. I am also stubborn and like my own way and my own plans! The last 5 years have been very far from my own plans and my comfortable, easy life. But oh how I have changed. The day in the hospital when I chose to put my life into God's hands was pivotal and I trust his plans ( with the occasional wobble). I may not always like the way his plans have unfolded and the journey it has taken me on but I know that I am changed because of  it. My priorities have changed considerably and have had to.  It is so easy to be led by what the world says is important, to look beautiful, to have a beautiful, perfect home, to have a fast car, to own many possessions, to go on exotic holidays, to have a well payed job......  but all of those things dim into insignificance in the face of severe illness and even death. What counts then is - how did you live your life, what did you do with this one precious life, what are your relationships like, do you love  Jesus?  So change may be hard and I may fight it but I want to be more like Jesus day-by-day. And if this journey is what it takes - then bring it on! 

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