Friday 30 May 2014

Where did that week go?

The count down begins - 4 weeks 1 day! 

This week has passed so quickly and here we are at Friday again. And it's raining - again! We are hoping that it is doing all its raining now so that June will be glorious. However, we are buying umbrellas, which will hopefully mean we won't have any rain. 

This weeks physio went well and was encouraging. He felt that my back problems are probably connected to the mixed connective disease as most things are connected. But that my muscles in my back are very tight and it looks like I did do something to my right side of my back as it is much worse than my left. So with manipulation and exercise it should improve.
My blood tests remain stable which is good and show no sign of secondary bone cancer. All is well. 

So this weekend - Chloe and Ed home for more wedding sorting - first reading of the Banns at church and Ed's Mum coming too, visit to the Hogroast farm, going to flower shop, planning flowers, meeting the vicar- J  to discuss service, a little sleeping and eating. All lovely!

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