Monday 16 June 2014

12 days to go!

Wow! Time is flying past so quickly. Ed and Chloe are working very hard finishing off all the bits and pieces. With so many guests it is a lot of bits and pieces. I am making sure we have everything written onto lists for next week. We have hairdressers booked, nails booked, make-up booked, flowers ordered, flower arrangers sorted, car booked, florist booked, caterers booked, marquee booked, hall booked, banns read, organist booked, vicar booked, weather booked, cake maker booked, singers booked, band booked, bell ringers sorted ( hopefully), bridesmaids dresses made, wedding dress fitted, suits bought, waistcoats purchased........ the list goes on! A few things are outstanding and will get done this week - we hope! 
I am so proud of Chloe and Ed and  the calm way they have been dealing with organising a wedding - while living in Kent and working very busy jobs. 
I have been really struggling with sickness caused by the drugs I take for the autoimmune diseases I have. It is really hard to cope with being sick so often and feeling nauseaous all the time. It seems such a little thing but it is very wearing. So near to the wedding I am not keen to change anything and end up with more side effects. Cooking and planning food is very difficult and poor Paul often ends up cooking tea and me not eating it. I am going back to my lists of joy to focus on all that is good in my life rather than focusing on the negative things which so easily fill my mind. 
We went to Savil on Saturday and amid the rain showers and saw the most beautiful roses. The perfume was fantastic especially after the rain. It was very quiet - people staying away because of the weather I think. What a joy to see such lovely gardens so peacefully. 
This week - plenty of wedding bits and pieces, coffee with friends, bookstall planning and buying for our church holiday club, bible study, flowers and getting the house ready for next week when we have a full house of guests. Ben finishes his exams on Wednesday - hurrah! Anna has finished her first year at uni and is 1/5th a Dr! All is well! 

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