Wednesday 25 June 2014

3 days....

So Wednesday is here at last. We are now in the days which we have been time tabling for so long! I woke many times in the night and had little things whirling around in my head. Eventually at 6 I got up and wrote stuff down! My first text from Chloe was ahhhhhhhhh... Which worried me slightly as I assumed that was an 'oh no' ahhhhhh not an excited ahhhh... But all is fine she was just VERY excited. The last 2 days have gone well - my sickness is a little better after an adjustment to my drugs and lots of prayer. The house is looking lovely and clean and tidy, the beds are all made in readiness for all the people coming today. The bath is full of greenery ready for the 18 table decorations we are making. Tea is cooked and out of the freezer and I am off soon to collect flowers for church and table decorations. And the sun is shining! Please pray for a little sunshine on Saturday - we can cope with some rain - umbrellas arrived yesterday - but would love some sunshine for photos. 
Thank you so much for all yor texts, emails messages etc.... It is so lovely to hear from you and share a little of our excitement with you. 
For all you young mums - what a joy it is to be part of your children's journeys and to be standing alongside them as they make forever promises and begin their new families. My mind turns to all those not with us to enjoy the day, grateful for the family life they gave us and the principles and joys they passed on which we in turn have shared with our children. Saturday will be a day which will shine in our hearts as a forever memory - speaking of the importance of family as the families join together to celebrate the wedding of 2 wonderful young people.  All is well and all will be well! 

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