I have finished my book 'Plan B'. I am so glad that at the end he says that he doesn't have the answers as I think this side of heaven we won't have. But he does echo my experience that we grow most through our Plan Bs especially if we hold on tight to His hand. How can we little human beings know or understand the plans of the creator God who sees and knows all things and is outside time. My journey is also made so much easier by those who travel with me sharing their lives and giving me time.
Today I have an ultrasound and mammogram. Glad to be doing those as we will then be able to decide on a plan on Tuesday.
I'm so very glad you put your blog up each day as I look for it before I head off most days and it reminds me what to pray for specifically. So ... not such a restful Friday this week but it will be good to know what is going on 'under the surface'. Praying for strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. With love xx