Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Thank you everyone for continuing to read this blog despite the boring nature of it. I am aware that my life and therefore this blog revolves around illness. Illness is never far away in my thoughts and dominates all I do or can't do. Yesterday felt like a glimpse of normality which is usually far away. I really enjoyed my day and fitted in quite a lot of things. I have been discouraged to read that it takes about a year to recover from chemo and for your body to return to normal. But yesterday - in the midst of chemo I did feel like normal life (or my new normal ) was going to be possible. Maybe in the future there will be days when I don't think about being ill and when I can have a more normal life.

Today dialysis with D, blood tests and a visit with oncologist. Hope all is well for chemo tomorrow - number 3 - half way.

The picture is of me with Papageno in our garden on Sunday.


  1. NEVER boring for us Anne to read. Think you've done so well in keeping us all up-to-date in your humorous and entertaining way, even though I'm sure you don't feel like it. Glad yesterday was such a new normal day, showing future possibilities! x x

  2. ps you are actually looking so well in the photo.

  3. Thank you for your comments Sylvia.
