Thursday, 14 July 2011

It is my boys 24th birthday today. It will be the first time I haven't spoken to him on his birthday. The time seems to have flown past and it only seems like a short while ago I was tearfully bringing him home from hospital - amazed that they were going to allow me to keep him!

Yesterday was lovely. The leavers concert at school was wonderful. The teachers do a fantastic job at preparing the concert and getting the children to sing so beautifully. The highlight was a little bumble bee who could certainly wiggle her behind! I felt very sad though knowing that i will no longer be part of all that. It has been very hard to come to terms with the decision not to go back to work. I loved my job even though it was hard work. I am so lucky to have worked with such wonderful people. But I need to be able to give my all when I work and not be half hearted and that is what would happen if I went back to work. Dialysis would get in the way and my energy levels would not be enough. I am sure it is the right decision but it is still very hard to accept that life will never be the same again.

Today dialysis with D. We shall exhaust all things wedding I am sure. It will be good to be back into a dialysis routine. It has been strange going with people I don't know.

P.S. I am in need of a lift from dialysis on Saturday afternoon about 4-5 ish. Please let me know if you can help. The proms are starting - ho hum!


  1. As I opened your bog this morning, I mused: "I wonder how Anne's going to follow yesterday's post." Well, my dear friend, you have not disappointed - Happy birthday to Josh, news of your decision not to return to work. I do believe that you have made the good if hard choice. And there are lots of memories stored up in your heart from your times in the school, aren't there? Least of all the bumble bee - got to be honest, thought of my Alice, who also knows how to 'shake her booty', always could!! love from us all xx

  2. PS away this weekend so not able to help with lift-sorry
