Below the alium in full flower and now as a seed head .
Thank you so much for your texts and emails over the last few days. We so appreciate your love and care for us. When I write here it feels like I am writing into space so it so good to know that you are still out there! I am feeling much better and have got my head around this new adventure. We are beginning to write lists of what Paul will do when he stops work. So many things which have been left over the last 3 years of me being poorly. Now he will have the time to do some of them. We have sat down and worked out what we can and can't do and have decided to keep any booked tickets to events but not to book any more. It would have been so hard to give up all our plans. We will just have to budget for the train tickets to the various events. Mmmmmmm budget - that has not been a word in my vocabulary! I know for many of you money has been an issues for ages but we have been comfortable. We don't live extravagantly but we have taken a lot forgranted. It is good for me to learn new words!!!!
Today I am flower shopping, having my hair cut and going out for a meal with a friend (I have a voucher!!!!!). This is my second haircut in over 2 years - wow! Apart from my head shaving when my hair started to fall out both times! I will only have a little cut just to make it neater and so I can see out of my fringe! We are leaving the colour now to see how much is my colour and how much is dye. It is lovely to have hair! I haven't shaved my legs as I am so glad to have hairy legs!!! Sorry if that is too much detail for you over your breakfast! Thankfully I am quite fair otherwise it might be a different story!
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