Monday 11 February 2013

All of my life in every season You are still God

All of my life in every season You are still God
I have a reason to sing I have a reason to worship (Hillsong)

 What a wonderful promise for a Monday morning -  what ever circumstance we are in He is still God - unchanging, the same - yesterday, today and forever. That is something to sing about. His promises are true today as they were true for Gideon all those years ago (we are studying Judges at church). He is the God who rescues us and holds onto to us even when we doubt and fear, even when we are not brave and need reassurance. In every season of our lives - whatever is happening to us He is God dependable and trustworthy.

Snow - mmmm not my plan for a Monday morning! Hopefully it will dissappear soon, we have done snow for this year! Last week before half-term, I think my boy is ready for a break. Chloe is also ready for a break. She finishes on Thursday for a week and I am really looking forward to spending some time with her. 

We had a lovely Chinese New Year lunch on Saturday  complete with Chinese lantern and plenty of warm fires over the weekend.

This week - Cameo, cooking for weekend, day out with a friend, tutoring, flowers, lunch with friends, bible study, visit to garden centre for seed buying, family history writing, and home stuff of course. Hoping for a visit to school  - its been too long since I saw them.

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