Friday 15 February 2013

Feeling better

Thankful for new days and for time passing. I am feeling better - hurrah! Ben is now poorly - so I think it was a bug of some sort. I tend to assume that it is connected to all my ailments and forget that I can still get usual bugs! However the usual bugs appear different in me as it always means my kidneys get poorlier too. Whatever it was I am glad its gone. 

Chloe is using me to practice her hand examinations on! It looks like I have osteoarthritis in my top joints of my fingers. They are developing nodules on the joints. My poor hands are going to look very strange by the end of this with both rheumatoid damage and osteo. Thankfully I have very little pain - mostly stiffness. It does encourage me to use them now while I can for sewing, knitting etc... as probably later I won't be able to do those things.

It is lovely to have Chloe home for a week. I am making the most of it as once she is a proper Dr our time together will be limited, especially with the silly hours they have to do. Next week she hears what deanery she will be in and so will be closer to knowing where she will be working.

This weekend we are shopping for our girlie craft day on Monday, cooking together, Church and Paul's concert. A great weekend.

Happy Half-Term to all my school friends.


  1. Really glad you're feeling a bit better, Annie! All our love. John and Dagmar xxx

  2. Thank you Dagmar - so sad to miss our day this week.
    A xxx
