Wednesday 27 February 2013


I obviously still need to learn patience! As we have yet another time of waiting. Chloe was told on Monday the Deanery that she would be in for her Foundation years. This was based on her first 3 years and an exam she sat in January. Unfortunatly they have now been told that some of January papers have been wrongly marked and so some of the allocations are wrong. They now have to wait another 10 or 11 days to find out whether they will be reallocated. It is so hard for them all as once told they then started to think about their lives whereever they had been placed and now it is all up in the air. It is so disappointing when things are not done correctly. So we hand it over again - and wait. All things in his hands - including future plans! For a controller like me it is a long learning curve to hand things over and trust. But you would have thought by now I would have got it! 

Today coffee with a friend and lunch with some other friends. A bit of birthday shopping and some tidying. Somehow my washing pile has grown and grown - how does that happen? I am trying to pace my week to give me energy for the weekend. I wish it worked like that ie. energy saved today could be used on Sunday! But it doesn't seem to.

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