Thursday 21 February 2013

Great Expectations!

My favourite view

This view above is one of my favourite views in all the world (well that I have been to!) It is the view from the Jubillee Bridge looking towards St Pauls. When I was very poorly and couldn't go to London it is the view I imagined and I hoped that I would be able to go again and see. It is on our walk back from Covent Garden and so is one I have seen many times but I never tire of it. Yesterday when Chloe, Ed and I were coming back to Waterloo we stood on the bridge as the lights were just appearing.

It was like a twinkling wonderland. I hope to cross that bridge many more times! 

Great Expectations was wonderful. Spooky and wierd just as it should be. The set and costumes are amazing. People appear and disaapear through holes in the walls, fireplaces and from under the very large table. The writer and producer have managed to condense the story into a 2 hour play very successfully - but you do need to know the story to follow it. The young Pip played by Taylor Jay-Davis was  brilliant . Miss Havisham played by Paula Wilcox could have been even more commanding and Estella was maybe a bit too nice. But we really enjoyed it. 
If you get the chnace to see it - do. We got very cheap tickets with

The pictures are taken from publicity material.

Today a quiet day to recover!

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