Monday 18 November 2013

3 years anniversary

3 years ago Paul wrote the following.......

Paul writing: Anne went into theatre at 8:30 this morning, and texted a few minutes ago, saying that she was awake, "bit sore but fine." Thanks for many messages and prayers

 Where have those 3 years gone? How my life has changed. I have many anniversaries of all the 'stuff' that happened but maybe this is the one that counts because it is the day I became cancer free. I am so thankful for a wonderful surgeon who left such a beautiful neat scar I have never been sad about. Recently I found out that my friend Steph who wrote 'Bah to Cancer' also shares my anniversary but today she celebrates 5 years. Read what she has to say here - Congratulations Steph! 

This week - meeting with consultant at 10 tomorrow, coffee with friends, book club (reminder to self - finish book), flowers, tutoring, maybe some baking (using the Kenwood a lovely friend has lent me to help with my hands), Christmas card making, some sewing and plenty of resting!  I hope you have lovely weeks planned that doesn't just consist of work.

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