Tuesday 26 November 2013


So..... things are not going so well. But thankfully Paul and I are laughing as my body appears to be falling apart. I am so thankful for a husband who can mange to make me laugh at almost anything. I now carry my bucket at all times and don't stray far from a toilet (I won't go into any more details). I am now only able to 'eat' liquid food due to the soreness of my mouth. I have been to the GP who has prescribed various things to try and counter the side effects whilst still trying to protect my kidneys which means that I can't take the usual things. She thinks the side effects are so bad because my kidneys are slow to clear the methotrexate from my system. Hopefully the side effects should lessen as my body adjusts to the drug. I so hope that will be before Christmas otherwise it will be quite tricky.
I have had to cancel quite a few things which is very disappointing but hopefully that is just temporary.

In the meantime I am 'doing' Christmas online and reading lots. I do love hearing from you and hearing about your lives as I sit here so do email me. anne@thewhitefamilysite.org.uk if you have time.

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