Wednesday 30 April 2014

Wedding and a day at the races

I haven't blogged much about the wedding plans as I feel that it is Chloe and Eds' news to share. But I thought you might like a little taster. Most of the big things are sorted - we have the church, marquee, band, photographer, flowers, caterer, ice cream maker, Uncle Tom Cobbly and all booked! We have chosen dresses and Chloe is making meters and meters of bunting. We are now in the knitty, gritty of waistcoats, ties, shoes, hats and colours! Sometimes the organisation can seem daunting but recently I have been feeling moments of joy as I imagine the day. This weekend we will have a little taster - at the hen party - where I expect much laughter. 
My dress is bought and is being altered at the moment. Then I will have to decide if I need a new hat! We have lists of our lists! Thankfully spending time in bed I can use the time to make more lists! I have my uses! 
A little glimpse of the day - Chloe and Ed are getting married at our church in Barkham and having the reception in a marquee on the field next door. Chloe is having 5 bridesmaids. We are doing the flowers in the church ourselves with help from the flower arrangers at church but having a florist for the bouquets. 
I am very proud of how calm and organised Chloe and Ed have been. In 2 months they will be Mr and Dr Unwin. 
Today is Paul's birthday and he is off to the races. He is going to a taster day at Ascot which should be fun. 

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