Friday 19 September 2014

A shiny new plan,

Ok so here we go with the new plan! If you don't like detail you can miss it out but just know that I am happy with the plan!
My appointment was at 10.30 and we arrived a few minutes early. I know that this clinic is always busy but after waiting an hour and 10 minutes I asked a nurse if there was any idea how much longer we would be. She asked my name and then looked quite surprised by my reply! She disappeared for a few minutes and then returned with many, many apologies! Unfortunately when I had arrived the lady at the desk had forgotten to check me in so they thought I wasn't there! Thankfully they then took me in straightaway.
My consultant  discussed a number of possible options ( one of which did involve a biopsy of my liver) and together we have decided the following
--- continue with the new hormone exemestane as it takes time to work
--- add in denosumab ( a bone strengthening monoclonal antibody) this helps prevent the cancer eating into the bones and is given as a monthly injection 
--- have another scan in 8 weeks to see what is happening in my liver ( we will then make a new plan depending on the results of the scan) 
--- obviously if I find myself feeling more poorly before then I can return and we can rethink the plan
--- at a later date if things start to get worse then there are chemo options and there is another drug they can add to the hormone called everolimus but the consultant felt that both these options would make me feel very poorly and are not necessary at this point. 
--- thankfully we decided that a liver biopsy would not be needed
So the basic outcome is that I have 8 weeks until the scan with little that will be changing. The consultant was not at all concerned about the dip in my kidney function - thinking that we have changed quite a few things any of which could have caused the dip. I will have my blood checked again next week before I see the GP. 
Hopefully as the steroids leave my body I should start to feel less panicky and the withdrawal side effects should lessen soon too. 
 As you can imagine I am very relieved to have a shiny new plan and one that doesn't involve me being very poorly. It is lovely to think I can now plan some nice things ( with my wheelchair). 
All is well and all will be well. 


  1. Anne I wanted you to know that for that brief time we spent in hospital you helped me get through that op you were and still are an inspiration, and so strong. I want to thank you and I will be reading your blog daily wishing you and your lovely family all my love. Nikki x

  2. Thank you Nikki I remember my time in hospital with you fondly. I hope you are getting on ok. Love Anne xxx
