Thursday 4 September 2014

Today's plan

We have just met with one of the oncology registrars and he has an interim plan while we wait for my consultant to come back from holiday.  I will summarise the plan - do text me with any questions ( which I may not be able to answer!!!)

  • Last radiotherapy tomorrow ( effects continue for a week or 2)
  • Blood test tomorrow and weekly on 11 th and 18th September 
  • Home tomorrow evening with new drugs sorted
  • Appointment with Dr Brown hopefully  ( consultant on 19th September) 
  • Start new hormone drug on Saturday ( known to be safeish for kidneys ) 
  • Discuss using a monoclonal antibody to strengthen bones when Dr Brown returns from holiday 
  • Discuss chemo when he returns - no rush to do this as first step is to change hormones and see if they work 
  • If to have chemo then a line will be fitted but not needed yet 
  • Come off steroids in a few weeks and see if my leg is improved otherwise return to using low dose steroids. 

Good news is that I just have 1 liver met that measures 1.2 cm which may be controlled by the hormones alone and not need chemo for now. So a good plan for now and gives me 2 weeks to recover from this bit before we make too many changes. Kidneys are safe and sound and should remain so as we aren't doing anything which should effect them at the moment.

Excited to be going home tomorrow for my wedding anniversary and to sleep in my own nest again.


  1. Praying all goes smoothly for you to return home today, Anne. Plan sounds good and thorough and not too demanding on you. Have a lovely weekend and anniversary celebration xx

  2. Thank you Bridget - I do love a plan
