Sunday, 1 August 2010

Just had an awful night coughing and being sick. Not much sleep. I was looking forward to bouncing like Tigger today but that seems to be unlikely as typing is taking all my energy! Not sure who we will ask for advice as Sundays are rest days and again not keen on a trip to a and e. Quite tricky to explain all thats going on with me over the phone. If you are reading this and would like to I would value your prayers.

Yesterdays dialysis went well and the blood transfusion straightforward. Matt brought an after dinner games box and we played one of those. Joy beating Chloe and I by a combination of luck and guesswork although I am sure she will say it was by amazing genius! Matt was quiz master. We also completed some crosswords and put the world to rights! Paul enjoyed his visit to London although we still wait for a demonstration of the height of the jumps!

My boys are looking forward to spending time together in Brighton. It is a great joy to have children who get on so well - there were days when we thought that might never happen.


  1. So sorry that you're feeling less like Tigger and more like Eeyore than you had hoped. Will pray for you this morning Anne, hope you're bouncing by tomorrow. xx

  2. Dear Anne, so sorry to learn of today's struggles..........we are praying, may you know His peace and presence in the turmoil. Hope the sickness is now better this eve. Much love and big hug ! You can do it my friend ! xx

  3. Oh Claudia Eeyore was just how I was feeling yesterday. Thank you both for your prayers
