Saturday, 28 August 2010

What a beautiful morning! It is very quiet and peaceful in my house. Ben has gone off to work and the others are asleep. I am looking forward to a weekend full of people, noise and activity. All my chicks will be in their nest. Josh comes home today and it is Chloe's last weekend at home for a while. I am going to make the most of the weekend and make memories to hold onto in the next few months. Chloe has been such a star throughout this whole ordeal. She has been a constant companion by my side. I am going to miss her but I am excited for her as she begins placements. I will look forward to long skype conversations all about her day.

Today's dialysis will hopefully include Josh and Chloe. I am looking forward to spending time with them together. A rare treat. Chloe is hoping to teach Josh Chinese chequers. I am hoping they can sort out my blood pressure taking.

I am feeling less sick and my taste buds are slightly better. It has taken me longer to recover from this chemo and the next one is on Wednesday. I will see oncologist on Tuesday. This will be the last chemo before reviewing and deciding what to do next.
There are 3 options;
  1. Change to another drug called taxotere which I would then have every 3 weeks for up to 4 sessions
  2. Stay on the same drugs and continue for 2 more sessions
  3. Go straight to surgery
Please pray for wisdom as the Drs decide what is the right regime for me. Taxotere has more side effects and I will need to take steroids with it to protect my nerves and joints from damage. However it was the original plan and therefore feels like the plan we should follow if possible.

I hope you all have wonderful bank holiday weekend plans and make memories that you can hold onto through the winter months.


  1. Hope it's a special weekend Anne and glad your children are around. Praying for wisdom for doctors.

  2. Lovely to hear from you Sylvia - thank you so much for your prayers
