Saturday, 16 April 2011

My lovely older son appears to have shared his cold with me - how kind! Hoping that as my blood count is ok it won't be too bad. Not keen this early in my chemo to have antibiotics.

Good day yesterday - I had my head shaved and I now look and feel like a hedgehog! But it is much better than it was. We also went to the garden centre for lunch and a pootle. We bought a little green house and some plants. My seeds are beginning to sprout which is very exciting. I so love spring.

Papageno frightened us by climbing up onto next doors roof. He was so high up and started chasing bugs - I was particularly concerned as it was evening and I could imagine us not being able to get him down in the dark. He did eventually come and I think he was relieved to be able to get down. It is scary having a cat.

Today a little visit to M&S and then dialysis.


  1. Have you got pet insurance on Papageno? Our Topaz was upto tricks from a very early age and we have had a number of lengthy and expensive trips to the vet with her in her 3 years!

  2. mmmm thank you for that Theresa - we are considering making him a house cat!!!!!
