Sunday, 17 April 2011

Yesterdays dialysis ended in a yucky way. I bled for 2 1/2 hours. I thought I was never going to stop. I went through 4 nurses holding my arm trying to stop the bleeding. They tried all sorts of drugs and special seaweed and every time they removed the gauze my blood pumped out. It feels quite yucky to have your blood pumping out of your arm even for a fraction of a second. In the end they contacted the duty SHO who when told I was bleeding from a fistula said 'what's a fistula' and didn't know where the ward was. This didn't fill me or my fistula with hope so it decided to stop bleeding before she arrived! I felt like I had been pulled through a ringer! They were threatening me with being admitted if it didn't stop and I really don't like hospitals at night. Thankfully I stopped eventually. They are going to try and investigate why that happened on Tuesday. I was very glad Paul was with me.

Today church and we are hoping to go and see some lambs - all being well.

1 comment:

  1. Anne, that was so frightening for you but hugely relieved it stopped. (Hope the SHO has learned now what a fistula is!! - oh dear) x x
