Friday 13 September 2013

Summer holidays .....

Busy week nearly over. Yesterday I managed to fit 5 different things into my day - by the evening I was tired but I had achieved all that I wanted to in the day. Pilates went well and I am sure that is loosening up my joints and my core is getting stronger. Also my arm is getting better too. I managed 5 lengths at the swimming pool too so the exercise plan is going well. Not so sure how it will go when it gets colder! This week my fingers and toes turned white for the first time in months. The joys of a chronic disease! 

I am looking forward to sun, sea and sand next week. The freezer is full of food for Ben! Just the packing to finish today. It is so lovely to be going away now just as the summer fades. St Ives are having their festival next week so that will be fun.

So today flowers, biblestudy and packing and then tomorrow up bright and early.

We're all going on a summer holiday
no more working for a week or two.
Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
no more worries for me or you,
for a week or two.

We're going where the sun shines brightly
we're going where the sea is blue.
we've all seen it on the movies,
now let's see if it's true.

Everybody has a summer holiday
doin' things they always wanted to
So we're going on a summer holiday,
to make our dreams come true
for me and you.
for me and you.

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