Monday 30 September 2013

Happy weekend!

Busy but happy weekend. Breakfast and lunch with my biggest (maybe that should be oldest) son on Saturday was really lovely. Although Debs and Josh are near we still don't see them as often as we might like because we are all so busy! A good reason I think. Josh and I walked half (well nearly half way) around Dinton. My aim for the next few weeks is to manage to walk all the way around. That will be 2 miles and would be a good distance to be able to walk. I do have to stop quite a lot but considering 4 years ago I could only walk across the road before having to sit down on my stool (many of you will remember walks with me and my stool) that would be an achievement.

Saturday afternoon and early evening was spent with Joy and Matt eating our first Autumn casserole and watching Strictly. As I am sure you all know I love, love, love Strictly. It is a good reminder of the passing of time and that I am still here and well.

Yesterday was our church away-day. We had a wonderful day with our church family. What a joy it is to spend time together. It was great to have conversations that were longer than is possible on a Sunday morning over coffee. We also had great teaching. We are SO privileged to have leaders who teach so well. I left with plenty to think about. It was also such lovely sunshine to sit outside in. That makes everything so much easier.

Today a bed day until tutoring later. I am definitely struggling to fit in rest days. My diary for October is nearly full already. I will need to pencil in rest sessions in my busy days! We will see how that works. This week - flowers, bible study, coffee with friends, blood tests, tutoring, pilates (first group session went well), and maybe a bit of housework!

I am sure you can tell from the tone of this post that I am feeling less sorry for myself. I am working on contentment again. Content right here right now with all that God has given me. Thankful for my many, many blessings. No more dwelling on what I can't do but all that I can do.

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