Friday 13 September 2013


I am so thankful for the rhythms and routines of our lives. It is good to have summer and holidays but it is also good to return to the routines that direct our days and the days of others. Ben returned  to school yesterday which was hard for him but thankfully he was inspired by a good teacher and today was singing - always a good sign. We have returned to the routines of weekly/monthly activities and happily we settle back into the patterns of our days. I love my life. I am also greatly looking forward to my holiday next week. I am so lucky to be able to go away in September and maybe we could just have a little bit of sunshine? 

This week - coffee with friends, swimming, pilates (great to be able to do these) flowers, biblestudy, hopefully a haircut (I am very shaggy), and some packing. 

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